Registration for Summer Camps opens April 06, 2025
Popular Summer Programs

Preschool-Age Program Overviews
The following information is about our popular summer programs for Ages 3-6; Tot Lots, Tadpoles, Tiny Tykes, Creek Jumpers, and Club 56. Following are Frequently Asked Questions.
Meet our Counselors at the site location prior to Camp. Tot Lot, Club 56, and Tadpoles will have a Meet and Greet on Saturday, June 21 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Tot Lot Overview
- Tot Lot is for children ages 3-5 and they must be potty-trained.
- Camp runs 8:45-11:45 a.m., Monday thru Friday starting Monday, June 23 and ends on Friday, August 1, 2025.
- Tot Lot is located at one, or more, elementary schools in Haverford School District. Location is subject to change
- Registration is by the week and begins online Sunday, April 6 at 4:15 p.m. There are 6 weeks available to register for Tot Lot.
- There will be no camp on Friday, July 4
Daily Activities includes:
Weekly themed lessons, songs, games and Arts n' crafts plus:
Indoor Free play
Morning Meetings
Outdoor play
Snack (provided by the program)
Be prepared for camp each day by applying bug spray and sunscreen prior to camp, bring a labeled reusable water bottle, send in a labeled plastic bag with extra clothes for accidents, and wear shoes that can get dirty and wet. Flip-flops are not appropriate for camp.
Tadpoles Overview
- Tadpoles a Nature-themed camp for children ages 3-5 and they must be potty-trained.
- Camp runs 8:45 - 11:45 a.m., Monday thru Friday starting Monday, June 23 and ends on Friday, August 1, 2025.
- Tadpoles is located at the Community Recreation & Environmental Center (CREC).
- Registration is by the week and begins online Sunday, April 6 at 4:15 p.m. There are 6 weeks available to register for Tadpoles.
- There will be no camp on Friday, July 4.
Daily Activities includes:
Weekly Nature-themed themed lessons, songs, games and Arts n' crafts plus:
Indoor Free play
Morning Meetings
Outdoor play
Snack (provided by the program)
Be prepared for camp each day by applying bug spray and sunscreen prior to camp, bring a labeled reusable water bottle, send in a labeled plastic bag with extra clothes for accidents, and wear shoes that can get dirty and wet. Flip-flops are not appropriate for camp.
Tiny Tykes Overview
- Tiny Tykes is for children ages 3-5 and they must be potty-trained.
- Camp runs 8:45 - 11:45 a.m, Monday thru Friday starting Monday, August 4 and ends on Friday, August 15, 2025
- Tiny Tykes is located at the Community Recreation & Environmental Center (CREC).
- Registration is by the week and begins online Sunday, April 6 at 4:15 p.m. There are 2 weeks available to register for Tiny Tykes.
Daily Activities includes:
Weekly themed lessons, songs, games and Arts n' crafts plus:
Indoor Free play
Morning Meetings
Outdoor play
Snack (provided by the program)
Be prepared for camp each day by applying bug spray and sunscreen prior to camp, bring a labeled reusable water bottle, send in a labeled plastic bag with extra clothes for accidents, and wear shoes that can get dirty and wet. Flip-flops are not appropriate for camp.
Creek Jumpers Overview
- Creek Jumpers is for children ages 4-6 and they must be potty-trained.
- Camp runs 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Monday thru Thursday starting Monday, June 9 and ends on Thursday, July 31, 2025.
- Creek Jumpers is located at Merry Place off of Glendale Road.
- Registration is by 2 week sessions and begins online Sunday, April 6 at 4:15 p.m. There are 4 sessions available to register for Creek Jumpers.
- There will be no camp on Thursday, June 19 and Friday, July 4.
- Meet & Greet for Creek Jumpers will be on Saturday, June 7.
Daily Activities includes:
Weekly themed lessons, songs, games and Arts n' crafts plus:
Indoor Free play
Morning Meetings
Outdoor play
Snack (provided by the program)
Be prepared for camp each day by applying bug spray and sunscreen prior to camp, wear a bathing suit each day, bring a labeled reusable water bottle, send in a labeled plastic bag with extra clothes for accidents, send a towel to be kept at camp for the week, bring a lunch and wear shoes that can get dirty and wet. Flip-flops are not appropriate for camp.
Club 56 Overview
- Club 56 is for our "big kid" campers ages 5 and 6 and they must be potty-trained.
- Camp runs 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday starting Monday, June 23 and ends Friday, August 1, 2025.
- Club 56 is located at Normandy Park on Normandy Road.
- Registration is by the week and begins online Sunday, April 6 at 4:15 p.m. There are 6 weeks available to register for Club 56
- There will be no camp on Friday, July 4.
Daily Activities includes:
Weekly themed lessons, songs, games and Arts n' crafts plus:
Indoor Free play
Morning Meetings
Outdoor play
Snack (provided by the program)
Water days
Lunch Time (Provided by the families)
Be prepared for camp each day by applying bug spray and sunscreen prior to camp, bring a labeled reusable water bottle, send in a labeled plastic bag with extra clothes for accidents, and wear shoes that can get dirty and wet. Flip-flops are not appropriate for camp.
Preschool-Age Programs F&Q
Can I pick up my child early? Can they arrive late?
Yes, you can pick up your child early or arrive late. We understand your family has a busy schedule. Please inform the Site Leader or another counselor if you know you will be picking up early at drop-off, or as soon as possible.
For a late arrival, check with the Site Leader about what the program will be doing when you plan on arriving. This will ensure the program can plan for your arrival.
What will my child do each at camp?
A welcome letter will be sent to families the Friday prior to the week of camp with information about what to expect and special days. Weekly activities will vary depending on the Site Leaders plans for the daily schedule and weekly theme.
What does my child need for Water/Creek Day?
Wear your bathing suit to camp, wear shoes that can get wet or dirty (old sneakers, water shoes, keens or something similar) and bring a towel. Flip-flops are not appropriate for water day and the Site Leader will ask you to bring different shoes for camp.
Do I need to pack a snack for camp?
Snack will be provided by the Recreation Department. If your child has food allergies, we recommend speaking with the Site Leader and sending your child with their own small snack.
What happen if it rains at camp?
These programs are Rain or Shine programs with indoor locations available to them. If the rain begins while the kids are at camp, the program will move indoors. We will keep an eye on the conditions at each location and notify the families about an early pickup or cancelled day if a location becomes unsafe.
Who should I contact if I am going to be late for pick up?
If you know you will be late ahead of time, you should communicate that to the Site Leader or any counselor. If it is last minute, you should call the Recreation Department or the Site Leader. More than two late pick-ups could jeopardize your child's ability to attend camp.
What is the refund policy?
There is a $25 drop-out fee if you withdraw within one week (7 days) of the program's start date. All other refunds have a $10 service fee.
My child receives services during the summer or has an aide. Can their services continue at the program?
a. Absolutely! We want every child to succeed in our programs with the support that is available to them. If your child will continue to receive services during the summer, contact the program coordinator to review our safety procedures, schedule the time of services and plan with the site leader.
Full Day Summer Camp (ECP)
- Ages 6-12
- Dates: 6/23-8/08
Program Logistics
Our Extended Care Program (ECP) starts on Monday, June 23 and ends Friday, August 08, 2025.
Registration will begin Monday, March 3 at 8 a.m. The hours are 9 a.m.-3 p.m. with extended care options from 8-9 a.m and 3-6 p.m.
Camp is will at Manoa Elementary School* from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. and at the Community Recreation & Environmental Center (CREC) from 3-6 p.m. The campers will take a bus to the CREC at 3 p.m.
There will be no camp on Friday, July 4.
ECP is for children ages 6-12 or children who have completed Kindergarten.
*Location subject to change
Registration for ECP begins online Monday, March 3 at 8 a.m. You must be a resident of Haverford Township to register.
You can register for one or more weeks.
Daily Activities
A typical day at camp includes indoor and outdoor activities including, but not limited to: sports, games, arts n' crafts, and more.
We will provide a snack each morning for the campers around 10:15am.
Campers need to bring their own lunch and drink. Please label clearly.
Camp includes weekly field trips.
We will send out an email through our registration system the Friday before camp begins highlighting all special days/trips. Newsletters will also be distributed to families on Monday morning.
Parent Orientation
On Thursday, June 5 at 7 p.m., we will have a parent orientation meeting via Zoom. The meeting location will be emailed to all registered participants. This meeting is designed to give you details about the program and answer any questions.
On Saturday, June 21 from 11:30 - 12:30 p.m.m, parents and participants will have the opportunity to meet the camp counselors at Manoa Elementary*. For you and your child's sake, we strongly encourage that both you and your child attend to learn more about the daily activities.
*Location subject to change
If you have any more questions about summer camp, you can contact the Recreation office at 484-380-2730 or email
ECP Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to register for all seven weeks?
No. You can register for one or more weeks.
What is the ratio of campers to counselors?
We maintain an 8:1 camper to counselor ratio.
Where and how often does camp go on field trips?
ECP will visit Wynnewood Lanes every Thursday to go bowling. They will occasionally visit Lawrence Park Swim Club to go swimming. Each Friday, they will go on a different field trip. Field trips include, but are not limited to: Arnold's Go Karts, Camden Aquarium, Citizens Bank Park, Get Air, Philadelphia Zoo, and more.
My child doesn't know how to swim. Does he/she have to attend the swimming trips?
Our staff and Lawrence Park Swim Club will provide provisions and accommodations so your child is not left out
The information below pertains to ECP Extended Day after care which takes place daily from 3-6pm at the CREC. ECP Extended Day is for participants in the ECP 9 a.m.-3 p.m. program ONLY.
What time is pick-up?
You can pick up your child anytime between 3pm and 6pm at the CREC.
Who should I contact if I am going to be late for pick up?
If you know you will be late ahead of time, you should tell any of the counselors. If it is last minute, you should call or text the lead counselor. More than two late pick-ups could jeopardize your child’s ability to attend camp.
Do I need to pack a snack?
Snacks will be provided by the Recreation Department, but you are always welcome to pack a special snack for your child. If your child has allergies, we recommend sending your child with their own snack.
How often do you go to the creek?
We will go to the creek once or twice per week. Creek days will typically be on Wednesdays and/or Fridays and noted ahead of time on the newsletter.
What do I need for Creek Day?
Bathing suit, towel, and creek shoes (old sneakers, water shoes, keens, or something similar). Flip-flops are not allowed in the creek and campers are not allowed in without creek shoes on their feet. Old sneakers are the best option.
Is there anything else my child needs to bring for extended day?
If possible, keep an extra bathing suit packed for extra warm days, along with a pair of flip-flops for the sandbox in your child’s bag.
Playground Program
- Ages 6-12 (completed kindergarten)
- Dates: 6/23-7/31
Program Logistics
Playground Camp begins on Monday, June 23 and ends Thursday, July 31. Life Be In It day is Friday, August 1
The hours for camp are 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (Monday-Thursday) & 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (Friday).
Playground Camp is all outdoors
We offer playground camp at 7 locations: Coopertown, Grange, Hilltop, Merwood, Paddock, Veterans, Westgate.
There will be no camp on Friday, July 4.
Playground Camp is for children ages 6-12 or children who have completed Kindergarten.
Registration for Playground Camp begins online Sunday, April 6 at 4pm. You must be a resident of Haverford Township to register.
Daily Activities
A typical day at the playground camps:
Arts & Crafts
Small Group Games
Large Group Games
Special Days (Example: pizza day, twin day, water ice day, etc.)
Dodgeball Games
Campers will need to bring their own lunch, water bottle, and sunscreen. Please label everything.
We will post a camp newsletter on our Playground Facebook Page (Haverford Township Playground Camps) and we will send out an email through our registration system the Friday before camp begins. Newsletters will also be distributed to families on Monday morning.
Parent Orientation
Parent Orientation will be on Thursday, June 12 at 7 p.m. The meeting will take place at the CREC. More information about the meeting will be emailed to participants a week before the scheduled date.
On Saturday, June 21 from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., parents and participants will have the opportunity to meet the camp counselors at your park location that you registered for.
If you have any questions about summer camp, you can contact the Recreation Department at 484-380-2730 or email
Playground Frequently Asked Questions
Can I pick up my child early? Can they arrive late?
Yes, you can pick up your child early or arrive late. We understand these children have busy schedules and do a variety of activities. Please let your counselors know if you will be picking up early. If they arrive late, they need to make sure they check-in with a counselor before participating.
Why is camp 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. on Fridays and not 9 a.m.-3 p.m.?
We have our staff training on Friday mornings.
What is the refund policy?
No refunds will be given after June 6.
Is there anything my child needs to bring?
The participants will need to bring a lunch, extra snack, reusable water bottle already filled and sunscreen (please have them apply sunscreen before camp).
Can my child sign themselves out at the end of the day?
If your child is older than 8 years old and you have given permission on your registration, then they can sign themselves out. Anyone younger than 8 or doesn’t have permission, will not be allowed to sign out without an adult.
What parks do you have that offer the playground camp?
Coopertown, Grange, Hilltop, Merwood, Paddock, Veterans, Westgate
Who should I contact if I am going to be late for pick up?
If you know ahead of time, please inform your counselors. If it is last minute, you should call the recreation department at 484-380-2730. More than 2 late pick-ups could jeopardize your child's ability to attend camp.
Do the counselors have background clearances? Are they CPR and First Aid certified?
All staff have their background clearances completed. Each location has at least 2 staff who are CPR and First Aid Certified.
How can I receive notifications on what they are doing at camp?
All of our playground camps send home a newsletter at the beginning of each week. Newsletters are also posted on the website. If we need to cancel due to weather, we will send out an email and text alert through our registration system.
What happens in the event of rain?
Morning Rain
In event the forecast prediction calls for a change in weather and the playground locations are safe, we will begin our day at 12pm.
We will try our best to make the call at least 1 hour before the program begins.
Afternoon Rain
The department and camp staff will notify you about early pick-up if weather conditions become unsafe to remain at camp.
2 ways to be informed about Rainy Days
Text & Email Alerts through our registration system. Text alerts through RainedOut (more information provided in the welcome letter)
Facebook - Haverford Township Playground Camps
Please sign up for our email & text alert system!
We will send out a text message and email alerts at least one hour prior to the start of the program through the system you registered your child on. In order to receive text alerts, you must update your account so Your cell phone number and Cell service provider are linked to your child's account.
Summer Camp Refund Policy
Haverford Township Parks and Recreation Refund Policy -
There is a $25 drop out fee for all programs if you withdraw within one week (7 days) of the program start date.
Full refunds/credits will be issued if the HTP & RD cancels a program.
All refunds have a $10 service fee attached unless refund is due to injury. There is no fee if they are switching from one program to another.
Full refunds for illness or injury will be given up to the start of the program. Once the program begins the participant can get a partial credit. No service fee attached.
After the program starts no refunds will be given unless approved by the Program Coordinator.
Summer Refund Policy
Playground Camp and Extended Care Program (ECP) – There are no refunds after June 6.
Summer Camp Refunds – There is a $25 drop out fee for all programs (except Playgrounds & ECP) if you withdraw within one week (7 days) of the program start date.