Haverford Township Redistricting / Reapportionment
Deadline | May 31, 2024
The Pennsylvania Constitution requires local governing bodies elected by districts (like our Board of Commissioners) to examine their district lines after each decennial census. This procedure is set forth in the Municipal Reapportionment Act.
As of the 2020 Census, the population of the nine wards in Haverford Township was as follows:
Ward | Population | Difference from Average |
1 | 5,699 | 1.7% |
2 | 5,621 | 0.3% |
3 | 5,239 | 6.5% |
4 | 6,198 | 10.6% |
5 | 5,404 | 3.6% |
6 | 5,495 | 1.9% |
7 | 5,473 | 2.3% |
8 | 5,701 | 1.7% |
9 | 5,600 | 0.1% |
With a total of 50,430 residents, the average population of the nine ward was 5,603. The highest deviation from average, 10.6%, was in Ward 4. As a general rule of thumb, no ward should deviate by more than 10 percent from the average population.
To help address this deviation, the Township engaged CH Planning to perform data collection and analysis, along with a short report summarizing their findings and setting forth three options for consideration. All three options include a reapportionment of a small portion of Ward 4 to Ward 3. The report can be viewed as a PDF at Hav Twp Redistricting.
Determining the most suitable approach will rely on input from residents. We will be contacting any potentially affected residents via US Mail so they will have ample opportunity to provide feedback.
In the meantime, please review the CH Planning Report and maps provided below that display the three recommended options outlined in the Report. To share your feedback on the proposed redistricting solutions, please respond to the survey provided below or submit your written comments to info@havtwp.org. Written feedback and survey responses will be accepted until May 31, 2024. Additionally, we will be sending out reminders via social media and constant contact to ensure ample opportunity for public participation.
At the conclusion of this public input phase, the maps will be redrawn for final consideration by the Board of Commissioners. Approval of the new maps will take the form of an amendment to Chapter 37 of the General Laws of Haverford Township (Wards and Precincts). So there will be two readings (and two final opportunities for public comment), just as there would be for any other ordinance.
Maps of Re-Districting Options
Option 1: Relocate 425 People from Ward 4 to Ward 3

Option 2: Relocate 336 People from Ward 4 to Ward 3

Option 3: Reolocate 239 People from Ward 4 to Ward 3